Download & Install WP7.8 ROM for HTC HD2 - Wow... The legendary HTC HD2 is still alive and kicking. HTC HD2 may not able to get Windows Phone 8 Apollo update. But you can enjoy WP7.8 ROM (OS version 7.10.8835 ...
HTC HD2 Archives - xda-developersxda-developers When we talk about the HTC HD2 nowadays, it is in shock and awe that it managed to survive yet another round of software updates from Windows Phone and Android. It has even been shown running Windows RT. It continues to exceed all expectations, as ...
HTC HD2 Archives - xda-developersxda-developers 4 Mar 2014 ... Nokia X ROM Running on the HTC HD2… Sort of .... Android 4.2 Makes its Way to the HTC HD2.
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Against all odds Windows Phone 8 has been hacked on to the HTC HD2 | Windows Central No, the HTC HD2 will evidently never die. First released in November 2009 with Windows Mobile 6.5, the device has been successfully hacked with every OS including Windows Phone 7, 7.5 and 7.8 in addition to Android. Now, according to legendary mod team Da
And it Keeps Going and Going... HD2 Receives WP8 Port! 2012年11月30日 - That is kinda the story going on with the last Windows Mobile device from HTC, the ever lasting and eternal HTC HD2. This device has seen ...
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09.08 25 Lang HD2 pdaimatejam Rom Wp7.8 OS 7… | HD2 Windows Phone 7 | XDA Forums 8860 and 8862 update download Windows Phone activation Code Last to take HD2 Windows phone All Rom errors and problems type here Version 2.2 - 26.12.2012.… ... Have You Recently Updated Your HTC WP7 Device To 7740? If So, Check This Out…
XDA Windows | Windows Phone Custom ROMs, Apps, Reviews and much more: WP8 port for HTC HD2 WP8 port for HTC HD2 HTC HD2 , first released in November 2009 with Windows Mobile 6.5 has been ...